Trademark Resources

We offer flat fee based intellectual property services in all 50 states.
Trademarks can protect your branding. We also offer copyrights to protect your art, patents to protect your inventions, as well as licensing and NDAs for all intellectual property types.

 Trademark Viability Search

Offered in all 50 states

  • Recommended for all trademarking clients

    ✦ A name, a logo, or a slogan would each be a separate search.

    ✦ Our attorneys search the database of existing trademarks for similar existing ones.

    ✦ We provide an explanation of what we found and let you know what we believe your level of risk is. The level of risk pertains to what is the risk that your application will be refused by the USPTO. The levels range from low to medium to high risk. We cannot guarantee that the trademark office will accept your application since they have more tools at their disposal than we do but we can provide you with an opinion in light of the search we have performed. Our aim in providing this information is so that you can make an informed decision as to whether you would like to proceed to file your application and can also be helpful to let you know if you are infringing on the mark of others.

    ✦ If you prefer a deeper search, please inquire about TM TKO search options to scan additional registries.

    ✦ If/When proceeding to a trademark application, stage 2 will be invoiced separately after filing classes have been decided upon.

  • What pieces of your branding are most important to you?

    Some entrepreneurs choose to protect:

    ✦ Business name

    ✦ Business logo

    ✦ Tagline or slogan

    ✦ Product name

    ✦ A second logo variation

    ✦ Brand / name for a line of products

    ✦ Name of a service

    ✦ Name of a series, podcast, or course

    Each of the above would be its own trademark application.

  • You have some options, but you will need to use whatever you choose consistently in business in order to gather enough evidence of use in commerce for the USPTO.

    Here is an example.

    Brilliant Butterfly Fields, LLC is the name of a business, registered with the state.

    If you tend to use the name Brilliant Butterfly Marketing Academy, then you should consider doing the following:

    ✦ Make it an official DBA / ABN / FBN with the state, owned by your LLC

    ✦ Use it consistently everywhere: your email signature, your social media, your contracts, invoices, speaking engagements, etc.

    Why?  When the USPTO asks for specimens for your trademark application, they need the EXACT thing you submitted.  The same words, the same spacing, the same punctuation.  If you are using slightly different variations of names in different places, it will be extremely difficult.  The solution for this is to create uniformity by choosing one version of the name and applying it everywhere. 

  • ✦ The USPTO has 45 different classes. Essentially these are categories of goods and services. We can assist with selected the best filing classes for your business based on what you do.

    Costs go up with every additional filing class, but you need to file in every class you are doing business in to get protection in that category of goods or services

    ✦ What products do we offer?

    ✦ What products are we adding in the future? Will these products be ready in 6 months?

    ✦ What services do we offer?

    Example: a clothing brand with a retail store would be 2 filing classes

    Class 25 for clothing

    Class 35 for retail stores

    But the clothing business’s name wouldn’t be covered in any other classes (so someone else could use that name for a restaurant, for example)

  • ✦ With a viability search, we provide an explanation of what we found and let you know what we believe your level of risk is. The level of risk pertains to what is the risk that your application will be refused by the USPTO. The levels range from low to medium to high risk.

    ✦ Our aim in providing this information is so that you can make an informed decision as to whether you would like to proceed to file your application and can also be helpful to let you know if you are infringing on the mark of others.

    Does low risk mean I am guaranteed a trademark?

    ✦ We cannot guarantee that the trademark office will accept your application since they have more tools at their disposal than we do but we can provide you with an opinion in light of the search we have performed.

    ✦ Results of the search are valid for the date of the search. As time passes, it is possible other similar marks have been filed/approved. The USPTO has more tools and files at their fingertips whenever your application is being evaluated.

    Client Responsibility

    Clients are responsible for reviewing the trademark application process information on this page so you have an understanding of the risks and length of process. Please also read and sign Terms of Representation.

  • ✦ An Intent To Use application means you do not have evidence that you are using this mark when the initial application is submitted, but you will gather this evidence over time to submit later.

    ✦ Assuming the USPTO processes your application through their system, approves, and provides a Notice of Allowance, the next step is to provide use in commerce examples of your trademark's brand. These specimens are photographs or screenshots with dates/URLs that show sales being made with this trademark in the filing classes chosen.

    ✦ The USPTO gives 3 months to gather and submit evidence. If you need an extension of time, we can file an extension for additional cost.

    ✦ There are additional costs associated with submitting this Use in Commerce. Please ask us for the latest rates.

    ✦ There are additional fees for each filing class on your application.

  • Please ponder: Do I currently have enough evidence that I am using this (name/logo) with customers?

    ✦ appears on invoices & sales transactions

    ✦ appears on products & services

    ✦ appears in online store with clear ordering information to purchase goods/services

    ✦ for education: appears in advertising for speaking events, classes, etc

    ✦ show usage in all classes you apply for

    ✦ all instances are exactly as I want it to be protected (spelled the same or using the exact same logo)

    IF YES, submit 2-10 examples of photo evidence with application

    IF NOT, can submit evidence later at additional cost. This is called an intent to use application. If your application makes it through the review process of the USPTO, you will have to submit this evidence within 3 months.

Trademark Application Project

Offered in all 50 States

If the results of the viability search are promising, you may choose to pursue a trademark.

  • ✦ Includes: discussion with attorney about classes/reviewing the viability search

    ✦ Preparing the application

    ✦ Filing the application

    ✦ Serving as correspondent with the USPTO

    ✦ Answering office actions that require less/non substantive (ie. disclaiming a word, approving an amendment the examiner suggested)

  • These are some examples of applications with additional complexity and therefore have additional costs associated:

    ✦ Filing in 2 or more classes

    ✦ Responses to Office Actions - non-substantive / simple

    ✦ Responses to Office Actions - complex

    ✦ Highly regulated industry and/or requiring research

    ✦ Something else that makes your application unique or unusual in the eyes of the USPTO

  • ✦ Images should be in jpeg or pdf format. The USPTO does not accept other formats.

    ✦ Please submit individual files (not as a packet). This can be sent in an email with attachments or can be uploaded to your google drive client folder. Please ask us for the link if you cannot locate your shared folder with us.

    ✦ Aim to provide us with 5 to 15 images.

    ✦ Include photos of physical things and screenshots of digital things.

    ✦ Screenshots must include URL and date accessed on the image (not in a caption or file title).

    For Logos: "The mark image must be in . jpg format, and should be scanned at no less than 300 dots per inch and no more than 350 dots per inch, to produce the highest quality image. All lines must be clean, sharp, and solid, must not be fine or crowded, and must produce a high-quality image." Read more here.

    For more tips on capturing specimens to support your trademark application, visit our blog.

  • ✦ Trademark Applications are processed very slowly by the federal government.

    ✦ Applications are taking between a year to a year and a half on average.

    ✦ It is common to not receive any updates for 8 months after the initial filing due to the backlog of applications at USPTO. We will let you know whenever we receive an update.

    ✦ Please see current estimated wait times from USPTO here.

    Jump to a timeline map
    by clicking here

  • Almost all trademark applications receive an Office Action for their application. This is a formal letter from a USPTO Examiner that must be answered. These can be very simple edits to the application such as disclaiming words like, “gluten free” (because you wouldn’t be able to own that phrase even if your products are gluten free) or extremely complicated such as the examiner naming five existing marks they believe to be confusingly similar, which would require formal legal analysis and writing.

    When we receive an Office Action letter, we will contact you and may want to schedule an appointment to discuss what the letter means and what options you have for response.

    Office Action Responses will be a separate cost (not included in the initial trademark application fees). Costs billed to the client will vary based on the complexity of the Office Action and the type of response that may be needed.

    Please continue to the next section for more details about Office Actions.

  • Notice of Allowance is a temporary phase after your trademark application has gone through the initial review process and passed both the examiner phase and the publication for opposition phase.

    At this point, you are almost there.

    You will be able to secure trademark registration upon providing evidence of use in commerce. There is a cost associated with this step: the USPTO charges a fee for each filing class when examining specimens for a Notice of Allowance.

    Typically you are given 3 months to submit evidence, and this can be extended if more time is needed for an additional fee.

  • As of December 2022, USPTO changed its fees and time increments for extending time.

    Extensions of time are now given for 3 months only.

    You can ask for multiple extensions, and each will have a cost.

*Fees may increase with complexity.

  • ✦ Almost all trademark applications receive an Office Action for their application. This is a formal letter from a USPTO Examiner that must be answered.

    ✦ These can be very simple edits to the application such as disclaiming words like, “gluten free” (because you wouldn’t be able to own that phrase even if your products are gluten free) or extremely complicated such as the examiner naming five existing marks they believe to be confusingly similar, which would require formal legal analysis and writing.

    ✦ When we receive an Office Action letter, we will contact you and may want to schedule an appointment to discuss what the letter means and what options you have for response.

    ✦ Office Action Responses will be a separate cost (not included in the initial trademark application fees). Costs billed to the client will vary based on the complexity of the Office Action and the type of response that may be needed.

  • ✦ Yes. When we receive an Office Action letter about your application, we will contact you and may want to schedule an appointment to discuss what the letter means and what options you have for response.

    ✦ Office Action Responses may be a separate cost (not included in the initial trademark application fees). Costs billed to the client will vary based on the complexity of the Office Action and the type of response that may be needed. This cost can range from free (if a simple, non-formal reply is an option) to a few thousand dollars (if legal research and a formal legal analysis-based response is necessary). We will not bill you until you decide how you would like to proceed.

  • ✦ Confusingly Similar means the USPTO examiner believes there is a likelihood that a consumer would confuse your pending trademark with another similar trademark (whether approved or pending).

    ✦ Two marks may be spelled different but sound similar when spoken.

    ✦ Visually, they may look similar.

    ✦ In terms of categories, the products may similar such as a business making hats, and another business making shirts.

    ✦ Another example would be a company offering banking services and another company offering mortgage lending services. There is a likelihood that a consumer would get them confused.

  • ✦ Both types of office actions give you 3 months to respond to what the examiner has said about your application.

    From USPTO’s website: “A nonfinal office action raises a legal problem about your application for the first time. You must respond to this letter within three months from the date it issues. An optional three-month extension can be requested for a fee.”

Office Actions

Offered in all 50 states

Trademark Application Process Map

After Your Trademark Has Been Registered

Offered in all 50 states

  • ✦ After your trademark has been officially registered with USPTO, you may now use the ® symbol instead of the ™. Using either is not required but if you do wish to use either, know that the ™ is for non-federal registered marks while the ® is only for federally registered ones.

    ✦ Be sure you have a clear understanding of what is officially trademarked. Continue using it exactly as registered.

    ✦ If you have chosen to register a name and not a logo, keep that in mind.

    ✦ If your business scope changes and you would like to protect different classes with new categories of goods and services, get in touch with us.

  • ✦ Continually monitor the USPTO database and the general marketplace for potentially infringing marks. Also keep your eyes and ears open to businesses who have the same or confusingly similar intellectual property. If another business or entity uses a mark that potentially infringes on yours, you should take steps to remedy this sooner than later.

    ✦ Keep a dedicated cloud folder where you keep photograph and documentary evidence of your use of the registered mark in commerce, e.g. website screenshots and/or printouts with the dates and URL specified in the header/footer, clear photographs of goods with your brand clearly on the label or other marking, and redacted contracts for service or goods.

    ✦ Mark your calendar for renewal 5 years from the registration date listed on your certificate. We are here to help with this renewal, called a Statement of Information.

    ✦ Watch out for scams you may get via mail. Be diligent with verifying the authenticy.

  • Get in touch with Rational Unicorn if you would like to discuss trademark monitoring services.

  • The Good News:

    Trademarks don't need to be renewed annually.

    But, you’ll need to renew them at some point.

    After a trademark is officially registered, there is a renewal due at the 5 year mark.

    There is a USPTO cost associated: you're basically proving again that you're still using the trademark. This renewal is called: Declaration of Use.

    Technically this is a window of time between the 5th year and the 6th year from the registered date on your trademark certificate. USPTO changes their fee schedule periodically, so please check with us before your Declaration of Use is due. Typically the fees are bassed on the number of classes on your registered trademark.

Other Types of Intellectual Property

Offered in all 50 States

  • ✦ Trademark Viability Search

    ✦ Federal Trademark Application

    ✦ State Trademark Application

    ✦ Trademark Office Action Response(s)

    ✦ Agent Requesting Permission to Use

    ✦ Intellectual Property Release of Rights

    ✦ Informal Trademark Potential Infringement Analysis

    ✦ Formal Trademark Potential Infringement Analysis

    ✦ Cease and Desist Letter to Infringing Party and Related Communications

    ✦ Intellectual Property Analysis and Opinion (infringement analysis)

    ✦ Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement

  • ✦ Federal Copyright Application

    ✦ Letter to Copyright Holder or Agent Requesting Permission to Use

    ✦ Intellectual Property Release of Rights

    ✦ Copyright Assignment/Transfer Filing

    ✦ Cease and Desist Letter to Infringing Party and Related Communications

    ✦ Split Sheets (No Charge for Split Sheet Templates)

    ✦ Intellectual Property Analysis and Opinion (clearance/freedom to operate)

    ✦ Intellectual Property Analysis and Opinion (infringement analysis)

    ✦ Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement

  • ✤ Patent Application Services

    ✤ Patent Viability

    ✤ Utility Patents - including provisional and non-provisional filings

    ✤ Design Patents

    ✤ Plant Patents

    ✤ Intellectual Property Release of Rights

    ✤ Cease and Desist Letter to Infringing Party and Related Communications

    ✤ Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement

    Read more on our blog

  • Licensing is when a specific protected piece of intellectual property is permitted to be used in limited specific ways. You could think of it as a lease: you are not transfering ownership of the intellectual property. We offer legal services related to licensing such as:

    ✦ Intellectual Property Release of Rights

    ✦ Licensing Agreement

    ✦ Cease and Desist Letter to Infringing Party and Related Communications

    ✦ Intellectual Property License Agreement

    ✦ Music Licensing Agreement

    ✦ Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement

    Get in touch via our contact page if you would like to receive a quote for a licensing agreement or related projects.

  • ✦ Signing an NDA means you will not share what you’ve learned. We can write a non-disclosure agreement for your specific scenario. It could be either single-sided or a mutual NDA.

    ✦ Get in touch via our contact page if you would like to receive a quote for this service.

    ✦ Read more on our blog

Trademark Renewal Between Years 5 & 6

Offered in all 50 States

  • The USPTO calculates renewal based on the day of registration of a trademark. Check out your certificate to find out this date.

    If you are a Rational Unicorn client, ask and we can help you find this. If you have multiple trademarks, it could be different dates.

    The renewal schedule in windows.
    ✦ The first renewal window opens 5 years after your trademark is registered and closes 6 years after. Meaning, you have ample time to submit this renewal over the course of a year.
    ✦ The next renewal window is between 9 and 10 years.
    ✦ After that: between 19 and 20 years. And so on!

  • Briefly, after your trademark has been officially registered for 5 years, the USPTO asks you to submit new specimens to prove you are still using the mark with the classes you selected.

    Rational Unicorn Legal Services can assist you with filing the necessary documents and evidence of use. The USPTO lingo is: Section 8 Declaration of Use. Also: Section 15 Incontestability.

  • For our clients, please get in touch for the link to our Trademark Resources Folder which includes a guide of Do and Don't tips for collecting specimens.

    Often, folks that are selling products have an easier time taking photographs of them as evidence. For our service based businesses, check out a blog here with some ideas.

  • Some trademarks are registered under multiple classes of goods or services. If you have been using some but not all classes over the past 5 years, get in touch with your attorney before your renewal date. You may be able to drop some classes but keep the trademark active in others.

    If you have briefly stopped using your trademark but anticipate resuming use soon, get in touch with your attorney to discuss your options.

    Clients: please ask for a worksheet to keep track of your renewal timeline for each trademark.

  • The USPTO randomly audits registrations. Yours could be selected. Typically, this happens after your renewal has been submitted (aka the Declaration of Use, Section 8 Declaration).

    What happens: USPTO may request more specific examples of use in some classes your trademark is registered in. You must submit proof of use for each identified good or service. If you are unable to submit acceptable specimens, you may be charged fees to remove that class from your trademark registration.

    Read more on the USPTO website:

  • It is common for business owners to receive mail about their trademarks, sometimes with inaccurate information about deadlines. These letters, texts, and emails are attempting to scare you into using their service to renew with them. Please trust your attorney and go to your attorney with questions.

    Read the scam warnings from the USPTO here.

Ready to get started?

Schedule your free 20 minute consultation today!