Terms of Use
Last Updated: August 1, 2019
Legal Disclaimer
Neither the Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC website nor the use of information from the website creates an attorney-client relationship. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision, and you should consider the information contained on this website, as well as other relevant factors, in making such decisions.
You may send an email via any email link provided on this website or on any of the social media accounts. Sending an email or message to the office, however, does not create an attorney-client relationship. Do not send confidential or privileged information until you establish such a relationship. Furthermore, we advise against sending privileged or confidential information through email at all, since there is no way ensure the security of your email. By sending sensitive or confidential email messages that are not encrypted, you accept the risks of such uncertainty and the possibility of a lack of confidentiality.
Some parts of the website at present or in the future may contain links to other resources on the internet. These links are provided solely as aids to assist you to locate other internet resources that may be of interest and/or helpful. However, they are not intended to state or imply that Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC is affiliated or associated with the people and/or organizations providing this information.
Materials on this website are intended to be for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute legal advice. The law is constantly changing and the information may not be complete or correct, depending on the date and your particular legal problem. Each legal problem depends on its individual facts, and different jurisdictions have different laws and regulations. Because of these differences, you should not act or rely on any information on this website without seeking the advice of a competent attorney, licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction, for your particular problem.
Privacy Policy
Any personal information you provide including and similar to your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address will not be released, sold, or rented to any entities or individuals outside of Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC.
External Sites:
Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC is not responsible for content found on external internet sites. You are advised to read each privacy policy of each respective external site before disclosing any personal information.
Remember the risks whenever you use the internet:
Your personal information is important, and Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC will make best efforts to protect said information. However, the company can not guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC. In addition, other internet sites or services that may be accessible through the Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC website have separate data and privacy practices independent of this website, and therefore Rational Unicorn Legal Services PC and any and all employees or contractors of the company at present or in the future disclaims any responsibility or liability for policies or actions of these third parties. If you require information from these vendors or have questions about their privacy policies, please contact them directly.