Which Rational Unicorn Attorney are you working with for this project?
Joe Anderson
Nicole Hetz
Sunny Kakwani
Lindy Laurence
Jay Smith
Lisa Thorsson
First Name
Last Name
Location of Business Entity
Somewhere else
Company Name
Desired Phrasing for LLC Portion After Name
"[Name] LLC" - no comma
"[Name], LLC" - with comma
"[Name] Limited Liability Company" - no comma
"[Name], Limited Liability Company" - with comma
Not sure/no preference
Who is involved?
Single Member LLC - just me
Partnership LLC - 2 or more people
Will this be a member-managed OR manager-managed LLC?
For LLCs: Members are owners; managers are managers.
If you hire a manager who is not you/not an owner, your LLC will be manager managed.
If you or you and your partner will be the members and there is no other manager at the company: You are both the manager and member; you should select member managed.
Need to read some more? There is a link at the top of this page to help you.
Name of Person 1 for Filing
Hint- this is probably you.
Who will be on the filing for the LLC as a member (owner) or manager (often also the owner)? Is it just you, or also someone else?
First Name
Last Name
Person 1 is a...
For LLCs: Members are owners; managers are managers.
If you hire a manager who is not you/not an owner, your LLC will be manager managed.
If you or you and your partner will be the members and there is no other manager at the company: You are both the manager and member; you should select member managed.
Name of Person 2 for Filing
If you are a single member LLC, you won't have a person 2, so you can skip ahead.
First Name
Last Name
Person 2 is a...
If you have a Person 3, tell us their name & status here.
Member? Manager?
What is your company address?
This cannot be a PO box. It must be a street address (either commercial or residential). This will be public facing. This is a physical location for your business.
Would you like to use a personal address as a mailing address (different from above address)?
All addresses on the filing are public facing (principal place of business, the registered agent address, and the mailing address.
While the mailing address can be a PO box, the principal place of business must be an actual residential or commercial street address, (no PO boxes or mail center addresses allowed).
For partnerships: Do any partners wish to use a different physical address instead of the company address above? If so, list partner's preferred address.
All addresses on the filing are public facing (principal place of business, the registered agent address, and the mailing address.
While the mailing address can be a PO box, the principal place of business must be an actual residential or commercial street address, (no PO boxes or mail center addresses allowed).
Registered Agent Information
As a default, we will use Person #1 and your business physical location address as your registered agent. If you prefer another name and address for Registered Agent, please provide name & physical mailing address for registered agent.
Read more: https://sos.oregon.gov/business/pages/registered-agents-service-of-process.aspx
Who will be responsible for bookkeeping or accounting or both? Explain.
How much money (to date) have you contributed to your business? Or: If you haven't opened a business banking account, how much do you plan on contributing to that account once opened?
Please write a few sentences or a short paragraph, summarizing the purpose of your company.
The Secretary of State's office limits this to 250 characters or less--think a sentence or so. The purpose can be a combination of product or service types, with or without descriptions like "socially responsible," "sustainable," "provides to low-income communities," etc.
What kinds of products or services will you be offering?
If you don't know specifics yet, please provide general categories, such as marketing, consulting, or printing.
Additional Information Needed for Filing and/or Operating Agreement
Please provide any other details that we should know. For example, was a contribution made by one of the LLC members and, If so, how much? If several people are involved, what are the roles and responsibilities of each person?
Do you want to start the Benefit Company process at the time of your LLC filing?
Benefit companies promote the triple bottom line – people, planet, and profit. In both Oregon and Maryland, LLCs are allowed to be benefit companies; in other states, only corporations qualify. There is an option to mark, at time of filing, that you wish to be a benefit company.
Yes, I want to become a Benefit Company – let's get started!
I want to become a Benefit Company, but at a later date
No, I don't want to become a Benefit Company
Maybe, I'd like to learn more, please send me more information
If so, will your LLC be the same name as your ABN? This would be cancelling the ABN and replacing it with the LLC at the same time.
You cannot have two business listings with the same name. An ABN would be cancelled and replaced with the LLC of the same name.
Not applicable - No ABNs here
Yes, the Assumed Business Name is the same name and please cancel it when completing the LLC filing
I do not have an existing Assumed Business Name *YET* but I want to set up a new one under this LLC
No, the Assumed Business Name is not the same - I want to move this ABN to be listed under my newly created LLC
No, the Assumed Business Name is not the same - I want to keep it separately registered (under my own personal name) -this is not part of this LLC legal project
Something else complicated - I have questions about this and want to discuss with attorney
If you are a Partnership LLC: Have you already completed that form?
Visit rationalunicorn.com/Forms to find our other forms... but finish submitting this one first!
Not a Partnership
Yes, I filled out the Partnership Questionnaire
No, but I will fill out the Partnership Questionnaire soon
Should we file this LLC formation right away?
Yes, make it so!
No, please wait until we complete the Partnership Questionnaire
No, please wait because I have questions or may need to change something
What are your questions?
If you checked No, please wait above... please ask your questions here! Or describe your reason for potential changes so we may determine when we may proceed with filing.