Which Rational Unicorn Attorney are you working with for this project?
Lindy Laurence
Lisa Thorsson
Sunny Kakwani
Nicole Hetz
Joe Anderson
Jay Smith
First Name
Last Name
Who will own this copyright?
Select a type of ownership
Individual owner
One or more owners
Entity owner (LLC, Corporation, etc.)
What is the copyright owner's physical address?
Is there more than one author/creator of the work?
If so, we may ask additional questions to identify the contributions of each author. Please note: Under the laws of copyright each creator is an author and owns the work they created or contributed to a work, unless there is a properly executed written agreement or the contributions were made under an employer-employee relationship. Please note this differs from an independent contractor relationship.
No, just one author/creator
Yes, two or more authors/creators
What type of work is this?
Literary work - poetry, textbooks, articles
Literary work - website or online materials
Literary work - computer program
Literary work - advertising copy, catalogs
Work of visual arts - photographs
Work of visual arts - maps
Work of visual arts - artwork
Work of visual arts - technical drawings
Sound recording
Work of performing arts - written music & lyrics
Work of performing arts - recorded score
Work of performing arts - choreography
Work of performing arts - script or screenplay
AV - documentary, film, animated film, tv, video
AV - video game
Not sure
What is the title of this work?
When was this work completed?
Is your work part of a larger periodical (newspaper, magazine, etc.) or serial?
Have any copies of this work been publicly distributed or given to another person or entity for the purposes of public distribution?
If yes, please describe:
1. Circumstances
2. Date (MM/DD/YY)
3. Location
If no, write "no".
What is the citizenship nation of the author of the work?
Was this work done anonymously or pseudonymously?
Someone who is anonymous cannot be identified by name at all. Someone using a pseudonym is using a false name.
Yes, anonymous - no name attached
Yes, pseudonymously - false name
No, individual's legal name
Not sure
Was the work prepared by an employee who was acting within the scope of their employment or under a written agreement with the person who prepared the work?
Not sure
Who owns the copyright for this work?
If the copyright owner is different from the author of the work, please explain how ownership was obtained. For example, "copyright was assigned", "author is the employee of the copyright owner", etc.
Has this work or an earlier version of this work been previously registered with the Copyright Office?
If yes, what is the registration number and date of registration? Why is another registration being sought?
If no, write "no".
Is this work derived from or based on a preexisting work, such as a translation or abridgement?
If yes, please describe this collection. For example, "a compilation of 19th century political cartoon", etc.
If no, write "no".
Do you wish to provide the Copyright Office with a license to make copies of this work for people with blindness and/or physical handicaps?
Not sure, I'd like to know more
Is there any other information we should know?
Please send us the final document for the copyright.
I will email it to my attorney.
I will upload it to my Google Drive client folder with RULS.