Important Update: 2025 Trademark Fee Changes

Attention all TRADEMARK clients! The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has announced changes to trademark fees effective on January 18, 2025. It's crucial to understand these updates to make informed decisions regarding your trademark applications and renewals.

Key Changes to Note:

  1. Application Fees: The USPTO has decided to unify the old system and establish one filing fee of $350 for sections 1 and 44, per class.

    1. This is an increase of $100 per class. If you're considering filing, we must do so before January 17th, 2025 to pay the old price ($250 per class)

  2. Renewal Fees: The cost to renew existing trademarks will also see an uptick of between $25 and $150 per filing, depending on which maintenance filing is due.

  3. Additional Services: Fees for various additional services, such as extensions of time and petitions, will also be adjusted between $50 and $150.

Who This Applies To:

  • New Applications: If you're planning to file a new trademark application, these changes will impact you. Acting now could save you money. Applications filed before January 17, 2025 will not be impacted by the increased filing fees.

  • Statement of Use Filings: Those filing a statement of use should also be aware of the fee adjustments. Ensure you understand how this affects your filing process. Time is of the essence for you - the sooner you can file for that Statement of Use, the better.

  • Open Renewal Periods: If you're in the process of renewing a trademark, be prepared for increased costs. If you are able to file your renewal before January 17, 2025, consider doing so to avoid the pending increases!

What You Should Do:

  • Review Your Trademarks: Take a close look at your current trademarks and any pending applications. This will help you understand which ones might be affected by the fee changes. Make a list of trademarks that are due for renewal soon or those you plan to file.

  • Create a Trademark Strategy: Develop a plan for managing your trademarks in light of the upcoming fee changes. Consider whether to file new applications or renew existing ones before the fee increase. Think about your long-term goals and how these changes might impact them.

  • Reach Out for Help! If you're unsure about how these changes affect you or need guidance on your trademark strategy, don't hesitate to contact Rational Unicorn. Our team is ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you might have. We can help you navigate the fee changes and ensure your trademark portfolio is well-managed.


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