Hire a Lawyer and Other Professionals

By: Attorney Michael Jonas

I’m a lawyer. I am not an accountant. I am not a financial adviser, financial planner, graphic designer, or social media marketing expert. Part of being good at what you do when you run a business is knowing what you can do and knowing what you can’t do. As a small business owner, you will need to learn tons of things relating to both your specific business type and business in general. Know that you need legal help for example and learn why. For example, read all about business contracts. Just as I as a lawyer do not prepare and file taxes for the firm, do not write your own contracts.

Successful people surround themselves with people that do other things well. Make your team/your professional squad. Be proactive and wear many hats, but do not wear hats that you’d be safer off not wearing. To get you started, we have a bunch of great people you can reach out to here:


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